Finding God in the Midst of Hardship
When I was a young child I had a Sunday School teacher named Mrs. Bye, she would always tell us that God had a plan for our lives and that each of us had a talent. It really stuck in my mind and I would always ask God in prayer, how do I know your plan for my life? What is my talent? I was also curious about how we could even know God. But nevertheless, I always prayed, I don’t remember a time that I didn’t pray.
As time went on I got married when I was 22. My marriage definitely didn’t end up like the fairy tale you dream about as a child. My husband was unhappy with everything. He told me that I was the problem and I believed I was.
Then one day I went into my walk-in closet, sat down on the floor, and started crying. I started to pray and asked God to help me. Begging for him to help me from making all the mistakes I kept making.

I told God that my life was His and He could do whatever He wanted with it. I also told him that I wanted to live for Him alone and nothing else mattered. Then, I continued to tell God that I was too stupid to know what He would want me to do. So, He would have to bop me upside the head for me to understand. Then God showed up!! I felt His presence so strongly. It felt like He wrapped His arms around me, though He was not touching me. He then spoke to me and said, “It’s not your fault Danelle. Hold on things will get better.”
Forever Changed
From that moment my life was FOREVER CHANGED! No one had ever shared with me that I could know God, feel God, and hear God. So, I want to share with you that you can know God, you can feel God and you can hear God.
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
If you want to know God in a deeper way, ask Him and surrender your life to him. He will make sure that you know Him.
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
Sometimes we find our true relationship with God through some of our hardest trials. I always think to myself, if my marriage would have been perfect would I know Jesus the way I do?
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
To know God in a deeper way try spending time reading the Bible. Here is a Women’s Study Bible and a Men’s Study Bible.

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